Conlea App
The heart of all information about the OPER8IT Conference.
All OPER8IT capabilities in one mobile application
In the Conlea app, you will find a complete list of participants and a Business Matching feature. The app allows you to create your agenda by adding lectures and sessions of interest to your favorites, and also to vote for the best presentations.
Step into the OPER8IT'24 world with our app.
Networking is a crucial part of the OPER8IT conference experience. The conference is the largest gathering of people from the worlds of shared service centers and in-house operations centers and enable to exchange experiences. You can start networking right now before you even arrive at the event! How? Just use the official conference app.
As part of our efforts to reduce paper usage, we are minimizing the amount of printed materials available at the conference. Therefore, the app will be the place where you can find the full agenda.
Three other reasons why you should install the app:
#1 Stay up-to-date with all conference news.
#2 Get complete information about accompanying events and sign up for networking opportunities.
#3 Connect and schedule meetings with other participants.
Upon arrival at the event, you will be asked to show your ticket. We encourage you to have it saved on your phone so that we can scan it easily.